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Sign on the Pickering Arms showing the Pickering family coat of arms. [Photo by Connie Pickering Stover, 2011]

Description of Coat of Arms:

“Ermine, a lion rampant az. ducally crowned or, within a bordure of the second, charged with eight plates. Crest: a lion’s gamb erect and erased, az. enfiled with a ducal coronet or; ”

The Purchase of Thelwall

The receipt for the purchase money of Thelwall by Mr. Pickering is on a separate roll of parchment, and is as follows: ”

“To all Xtian people to whom these presents shall come: I John More of Kirtlington, in the county of Nottingham, esqr. send greeting in our Lord God everlasting. Know ye that I the said John More have rec’ed and had before the day of the date of these presents of Robert Pickering of Thellwall, in the county of Chester, esqr. the full sume of six thousand five hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England for the purchase of the manor, lord.shipp or townshipp of Thellwall aforesaid, and of other lands and tenements situate lyeing and being in Thellwall, Groppenhall, Lyrhe, Lyfhe booths, Stathom, Redditch, Broome, and Oughtrington, in the said county of Chester, and in Martinscroft, in the county of Lancr, which said manors and other the lands and tenements above mentioned are and bee granted, bargained and sold by mee the said John More and Sr Jeffery Palmer of Carleton, in the county of Northampton, Kt. and Baront.bis Mats Attorney General!, unto the said Robert Pickering, Thomas Cheshire the younger, of Halton, in the said county of Chester, gent., Thomas Pickering of the city of Chester, and Peter Pickering of the city of London, by one indenture of bargaine and sale duely inrolled in the high Court of Chancery the second day of September one thousand six hundred sixty and two, of and with which said sum of six thousand five hundred pounds

I, the said John More, doo acknowledge myself fully satisfyed and payd for the purchase of the said mannor or lordshipp of Thellwall, and the lands and tenements before mentioned, and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof, I, the said John More, do hereby for mee my heires executors and administrators clearely and freely acquit, exonerate, and discharge them the said Robert Pickering, Thomas Cheshire, Thomas Pickering, and Peter Pickering, their heires, executors, administrators, and assigns, and every of them for ever by these presents. In witness whereof I, the said John More, have unto these presents sett and putt my hand and scale the twentieth day of November, in the sixteenth yeare of the raigne of our most gracious Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Anoqe Dom. 1664. 

JOHN MORE. (Seal.)
Sealed, signed, and delivered in the presence of,



Indorsed. A receipt from Mr. More of 6,500/. by me paid to him for Thelwall, 20th Nov. —64.

In addition to the estates already mentioned, Mr. Pickering was possessed also of the greater part of the township of Hatton , in Cheshire, including the manor-house, called the Quiesty Birches, the ancient seat of the Rations of Hatton, which he purchased about the year 1650 from Peter Hatton, Esq. and his two sons Richard and Thomas. Sir Peter Leycester, in his history of the county in 1666, says, “At this day Robert Pickering of Thelwall, esquire, is lord of the greatest part of Hatton;” and in the adjoining township of Moor, he says, “Robert Pickering, esq. of Thelwall, Counsellor at Law, hath one Janion’s house, purchased from the Brookes of Norton.”