12 June 1815 — JOHN PICKERING of Norley
Heirs of John Pickering of Norley
Wife: Elizabeth of Crowton
Son: William
Daughter: Sarah Yersley [Yarlsey?] (wife of John Yersley)
Daughter:Mary Harrison (wife of Samuel Harrison)
Grandaughter: Maria Nield (wife of Thomas Nield)
Note: This John Pickering of Norley died the same year as our ancestor, John Pickering of Frodsham. John of Frodsham died without a will and his youngest sons, Peter and William were executors of his estate.

Last Will & Testament
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Pickering of Norley in the County of Chester yeoman made and published by me this Twelfth Day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and fifteen [12 June 1815],
first I will and and direct that all my just Debts Funderal Expences and the charge of the Probate of this my Will be paid and discharged by my Executor’s herein after named. I give and Divise to my Wife Elizabeth Pickering all those my two messages Houses Gardens Orchards and the several closes pieces or parsels of Land there unto belonging situated lying on and being in Crowton in the Parish of Waverham in the said County of Chester and which I hold … and by virtue of a Lease or Leases to me granted by John Crew and Ralph Leycester Esqs for the given therein named to hold the same for the and during her life
I give and divise and bequeathe to my said Wife all that my message or dwelling House with garden therein to belonging being Waverham and now in the holding of Thomas Dutton
I say I give and divise the same to my said Wife for and during her life
I likewise give and bequeath to my said Wife the Interest of Three Hundred pounds, and whereas I have now due and owing to me the sum of two Hundred and fifty pounds security on two Bonds and a promisary note in the hands of Mr. Ralph and Charles Williamson and fifty pounds in the hands of my son-in-law John Yersley the Interest of the said three Hundred pounds to be paid to my Wife as above directed yearly and every during her life
I likewise give and bequeath to my said Wife all my Household Goods and Furniture plate and china which may be in or about the House now live in or inhabit at the time of my decease for her life.
I give divise and bequeath unto my son William Pickering all those my several messages or dwelling Houses with the gardens there unto belonging situated lying and being in Union Street within Stockport in the said County of Chester known by the name of No 29 and 30 to hold to him my said son William Pickering his heirs and assigns forever.
Also I give divise and bequeath unto him my said son William all that my one sixth part or share of a certain Cotton Factory House and garden situated standing being Heaton Norris in the County of Lancashire with the Appurtences there unto belonging to hold to him my said son William his heirs and assigns for and during all my term Estate and Interest therein subject to and chargable with aproportionable share of the ground or old rent which the same is liable to
I give and bequeath to my said son William after my Wife’s decease one Hundred pounds to be paid him in twelve months after my said Wife’s decease
I likewise give and bequeath to my said son William my large foleo Bible and my silver cup after my Wifes decease.
And as I owe to my said son William twenty pounds if the same should not be paid before my decease then my said son William is to take the said sum of Twenty pounds or debt to himself and … it.
I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Pickering all that my messaguage or dwelling House garden orchard and the several closes pieces or parcels of Land therein unto belonging situated lying and being in Norley in the parish of Frodsham and said County of Chester.
Also all that my Gallery Seat in the parish Church of Waverham and said County of Chester
To hold the said last mentioned messuage or dwelling house garden orchard closes pices or parsels of Land seat in Waverham Church herediments and premises unto him my said Son Thomas Pickering his heirs and assigns forever.
Subject to and chargable nevertheless with the payment of all my just debts in twelve months oafter my decease.
I likewise give and bequeath to my son Thomas all my live stock of cattle I may have at the House I now live in at the time of my decease
I give and bequeath to my said son Thomas my Clock and silver cream jug after my Wifes decease.
I give devise and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah now the Wife of John Yersley all those my two messuages or dwelling houses gardens and orchards and the several closes fields pieces or parcels of land there unto belonging and situated lying and being in Crowton in the parish of Waverham in the said County of Chester and which I should under and by virtue of a Lease or Leases to me granted by John Cren and Ralph Lecester Esquires for the lives therein names and the longest life by them to hold the same to her my said Daughter Sarah her heirs and assigns for and during all my term Estate and Interest therein;
All which said premises by me given and devise to my said daughter Sarah after my Wives decease
I give and bequeath to my said Daughter Sarah Fifty pounds and my silver sugar tongs, to be paid and receive the same after my Wifes decease
I give and divise to my illegitimate Granddaughter Maria, now the Wife of Thomas Nield all that my messaugae or dwelling House with the garden thereunto belonging situated lying and being Waverham aforesaid and now in the possession of Thomas Dutton to hold the same unto her my said Granddaughter Maria, her heirs and assigns forever
I likewise give and bequeath unto my said granddaughter my six silver Tey spoons after my Wifes decease.
And whereas I have now due and owing to me two Hundred and fifty pounds that is in the hands of Charles and Ralph Williamson aforesaid.
Now it is my Will and mind that my Executors in twelve months after my Wifes decease to call in the said sum of two hundred fifty pounds and pay one Hundred to my son William as afore directed.
And the remaining one hundred and fifty I give and bequeath to same to my Daughter Mary now the Wife of Samuel Harrison.
likewise give and bequeath to my said daughter Mary two silver tablespoons
And as for and conserning all the rest residue and remainder of all my personal estate not heretofore by me disposed of I do Give the same on trust to my Executors to divide the same among my four Children as they shall think write and just after my Wifes decease
But if my four children should disagree in their respective share or shares, the it is my Will and mind and I order and direct my Executors to sell the same and the money arising from the same to be equally divided amongst my four children share and share alike.
And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint George Fryer of Crowton in the said County of Chester yeoman James Lewis of Norley and said County of Chester School Master Executors of this my last Will and Testament hoping and doing not but they will take care to see the same justly performed as my trust and confidence is in them reposed hereby making voide all former Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore make in witness whereof
I the said John Pickering the Testator have here unto set my hand and seale the day and year first within written
Signed sealed by the within named John Pickering and by him declared and published and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto in the presence of the said Testator and of each other.
Samuel Firth
Mary Lewis
William Cliff